Un film de John Forsen
Al final del siglo XVII y comienzos del XVIII, dos luthiers de Cremona, Italia, fabricaban los mejores violines y violoncellos jamás creados.
Eran Antonio Stradivari y Giuseppe Guarnieri del Gesù. Este documental narra la historia de estos dos maestros y las razones por las que estos instrumentos de cuerda fabricados hace más de trescientos años, tienen hoy en día un valor millonario para músicos y coleccionistas.
During the late 17th and early 18th centuries, two violinmakers from the same small town of Cremona, Italy, were making the most sought-after violins ever created. They were Antonio Stradivari and Giuseppe Guarnieri del Gesù. This documentary tells the story of these two violin masters and why the stringed instruments they sculpted three hundred years ago are worth millions to musicians and collectors today.
v.o. english | english subtitles
Se servirá un cocktail a la finalización
A cocktail will be served at the end
Aforo limitado: se recomienda reservar
Limited seats: booking recommended
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